Character Creation!

Welcome back, everyone, to ShadowLog #4!

We have some exciting news to share—Project Henchmen has been rebranded with its official name: Isles of Ignis! Along with this new identity, we are introducing our villain, the fearsome Obsidius Blaze.

In this update, we’re focusing on the character art updates. We can’t wait to show you the evolution of our characters and the visual enhancements that bring the world of Isles of Ignis to life.

Stay tuned as we delve into the artistic journey behind Obsidius Blaze and his minions, and reveal how our team has been refining the visual elements to create a more immersive and captivating experience.

Let’s dive into the latest updates and see how Isles of Ignis is shaping up!

Character Art Updates: Iterating on the Fiery Obsidius Blaze

To kick off with the fiery Obsidius Blaze himself! Our art team has been working hard to sculpt the overlord, ensuring he exudes the malevolent presence that defines the Isles of Ignis. The iteration process has been extensive, with each version bringing us closer to capturing the essence of this formidable villain.

Below are the iteration process for crafting Obsidius Blaze.

From concept art:


To initial sculpt:


Further refinement!


Here’s a sneak peek at the latest 3D sculpt of Obsidius Blaze, showcasing the incredible detail and artistry our team has poured into this character. We believe this version truly embodies the villainous overlord of Isles of Ignis, ready to command his minions and thwart the adventurers who dare to challenge him.


Adventurers Unveiled: From Concept to Sculpt

Now, let’s shift our focus to the fearless adventurers who will challenge the reign of Obsidius Blaze. Our talented art team has been hard at work transforming these characters from initial concepts to detailed 3D sculpts. This week, we’re excited to introduce you to the Warrior, the Thief, and the Brute.

The Warrior

The Warrior is the embodiment of strength and honour, armed with a powerful sword and clad in heavy armour. From the very beginning, our concept artists aimed to create a character that exudes bravery and resilience. The initial sketches captured this essence, and as we moved into the sculpting phase, we added intricate details to the armour, ensuring it looks both formidable and functional. The final 3D model showcases the Warrior’s readiness to take on any challenge, with a stance that radiates confidence and determination.

From concept art:


To initial sculpt:


Final Sculpt!


The Thief

Sleek, agile, and cunning—the Thief is designed to be the master of stealth and precision. Our concept art emphasised these traits, focusing on a lithe figure with quick reflexes. The final model captures the Thief in a poised, ready-to-strike position, highlighting their role as a swift and deadly opponent to Obsidius Blaze.

From concept art:


To initial sculpt


Final Sculpt!


The Brute

Towering and intimidating, the Brute is the muscle of the adventurers’ team. The concept phase focused on creating a character with immense physical power and a fearsome presence. As we moved to the sculpting stage, we emphasised the Brute’s massive build and rugged armour, adding scars and battle marks to tell the story of countless skirmishes. The completed 3D model showcases the Brute in all their glory, ready to smash through defences and take on the toughest foes.

From concept art:


To initial sculpt


Final Sculpt!


Each of these characters has undergone a rigorous process of development, from initial sketches to detailed sculpts, ensuring they are ready to bring the fight to Obsidius Blaze. We’re incredibly proud of the work our team has done and are excited for you to see these adventurers in action.

Stay tuned for more updates and behind-the-scenes looks at the development of Isles of Ignis. Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to shape this world. Until next time, may your defences be strong and your strategies sharper!

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